Assaluyeh Gas Terminals

Assaluyeh liquefied gas exports terminals


Iranian Oil Terminals Company has the responsibility of exporting liquefied gas in Pars Energy Special Zone.

Assaluyeh Port is one of the ports of Boushehr Province. Since the government of Islamic Repu
blic of Iran adopted the policy of  developing joint oil and gas fields in the South Pars Special Energy Zone with Assaluyeh Port as the center of the activities, the establishment of oil products exports terminal was considered in the same zone as well. Presently, new computer systems have been established in Assaluyeh Port for the execution of liquefied gas exportation operations.

Using the most recent technology in volume measurement of liquefied gas by using FIELD BUS and MOD BUS computer digital transmission systems has made this region a full example of using metering systems.


There are five crude oil measurement apparatuses in positive displacement (PD) type that measures, liquid gas exportations in Assaluyeh Terminals with maximum measurement sum M3/H6500. Presently, the

liquid gas transport to vessels is done by SPM SPMs.

Specifications of the computer

1-            Receiving oil vessels in  SPMs

Maximum capacity of accepting oil vessels in SPM 1: up to 300,000 tons

Maximum capacity of oil vessel acceptance in SPM 2:

Up to 320,000 tons

Intensity of loading  oil vessel: 5200 cubic meter per hour

2-            Fire fighting system of the ball:

By using a tug fire boat

Water, foam and extinguishing materials products

3-            Exact systems of crude oil measurement

4-            24-hour operations

5-            Floating services

  Operational Tug fireboat and boats for passengers / guide transportation


Providing services to Pars Oil and Gas Company

•             Receiving and metering operations and SPM of phase 12 of Pars Oil and Gas Company as well as performing the operations for exporting gas liquefaction of that company to the present time

•             Performing gas fluids receiving services of phases 15 and 16 South Pars, berthing oil vessels for loading, exporting the products and preparing documents and papers for the cargo loaded from site number one

•             Inspection of the floor of two reservoirs with 400 thousand barrels capacity from phases 15-16 and 17-18 by Iranian Oil Terminals Company

Providing services to Borzouyeh Petrochemical Company

Providing services to Borzouyeh Petrochemical Company by Iranian Oil Terminals Company consists of followings:

•             Measuring liquid gas received from Borzouyeh Petrochemical Company

•             Preparation and issuance of loading documents

•             Performing chemical tests for delivered cargo

It should be noted that the operation of Borzouyeh Petrochemical Metering Installation by two 8 inch turbine meters and phases 1 to 10 of Pars Oil and Gas, and Parsian Refinery have been transferred to Iranian Oil Terminals since October 30, 2012.


  • No. 11, Pasdaran St., Hojjat Souri St. (7th Nistan)
  • 021-71095000 021-88534829
  • 021-22592473
Last site update : Feb 19, 2025