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World Bank projects 4 pc growth rate for Iran in 2017

In its June 2017 Global Economic Prospects report, World Bank projected 4% growth rate for Iran in 2017.

World Bank projects 4 pc growth rate for Iran in 2017
(Monday, June 26, 2017) 00:43
The Islamic Republic of Iran is seen slowing to a 4 percent rate before accelerating modestly to a 4.1 percent pace in 2018 as limited spare capacity in oil production and difficulty in accessing finance weight on the country's growth, the report said.

The World Bank forecasts that global economic growth will strengthen to 2.7 percent in 2017 as a pickup in manufacturing and trade, rising market confidence, and stabilizing commodity prices allow growth to resume in commodity-exporting emerging market and developing economies.

According to the World Bank's June 2017 Global Economic Prospects, growth in advanced economies is expected to accelerate to 1.9 percent in 2017, which will also benefit the trading partners of these countries. Global financing conditions remain favorable and commodity prices have stabilized. Against this improving international backdrop, growth in emerging market and developing economies as a whole will pick up to 4.1 percent this year from 3.5 percent in 2016.
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